Create a Form



This course isn’t about building forms in Gravity Forms, but how to use and format the data you capture in your forms. So, while a vital part of the overall process, I won’t spend much time covering form building.

The form you create should capture all the information needed for fulfilment of an online order. That’ll include Pricing field(s) for the product(s) being sold, billing and shipping information, and maybe customer notes. To collect a payment look no further than one (or more) of Gravity Forms payment add-ons. And if you want to create PDF invoices with unique, sequential IDs, you could combine an invoice PDF template with Gravity Wiz’s Unique ID perk.

Screenshot of the sample E-commerce form available for export

If you want to save time and get on with the PDF set up, you can download the form export file I built for this course and import it on your own site.